Anglo Carrier Bags

This is a company I have found that specialises in designing Carrier Bags for various clients.

Urban Outfitters Bag

A carrier bag from Urban Outfitters. I like the typography on this and the simplicity of the design. I think it stands out against other high street bags because of the white type which is quite unusual among other brands because it is expensive to print.

Bank Bag

I like the long handles on this small accessories bag because it would make it easier to carry and is different to other accessories bags.

Ark Bag

This Ark bag has used screen printing to achieve the white ink and it gives an individual, hand-made feel to it. I like how they have used brown paper as the main material of the bag with the yellow and white inks.

All Saints Bag

This All Saints bag has a funky feel to it. I like the burnt texture used in the background of the bag and I think it fits the concept of the store well.

My Bank Bag

This is a bag that I designed myself for BANK Fashion. They wanted an environmentally friendly bag, using either orange or green. I decided to use orange as it is more eye catching and emboss the logo onto it as to not use any inks. It is in a square format because I have put the handle at the side so that when you pick it up with items inside it will tilt and a square format suited this idea best. This will give it individuality on the high street.

Burger King Catalogue